Educational Management, Politics, Usman bin AffanAbstract
Khalifah Uthman ibn Affan was the third caliph whose appointment and selection were distinctively different from his two predecessors. Khalifah Uthman ruled for approximately 12 years, with the first six years marked by significant changes. Numerous transformations and developments occurred across various sectors, including education, politics, economy, culture, and administration. One of Uthman ibn Affan’s most notable contributions was the compilation of the Quran, which is famously known as the Uthmanic Codex and remains influential to this day. In the realm of Islamic education, two significant policies were implemented: first, senior companions were permitted to leave Medina to teach Islam in regions of their choice, and second, the responsibility for education was entrusted to the community, making them accountable for educational matters. However, the latter six years of his rule were characterized by conflicts and issues of nepotism and discord among the Muslim community. This article aims to discuss the biography of Khalifah Uthman ibn Affan, the process of his appointment, and the governance during his tenure.
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