
  • Abdul Rasyid Hamami UIN Suska Riau
  • Muhammad Syaifuddin UIN Suska Riau


Islamic Education Policy, Colonial Period, Colonial Pressure


The journey of the Indonesian people throughout history is inextricably linked to the role that Muslims played, particularly in the fight to rid the land of invaders and establish Indonesia as an independent nation. Through the medium of education, Islamic authorities built Islamic education in order to fortify the religious underpinnings and provide the populace with the tools necessary to combat the educational system that the Dutch colonialists had introduced to the region. The education system that was brought over from the Netherlands is the only other formal education system other than the Islamic education system that has its own structure and management that is distinct from that system. Even though the rules imposed by the Dutch government on the operations of madrasas and Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia were so stringent and punitive, Islamic education in Indonesia was not rendered ineffective and was not thrown into disorder as a result.


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